Have you ever heard of seller’s remorse? Believe it or not, it’s a real feeling that some people experience after selling their vehicle to a nightmarish individual. Whether its contacting them with nit-picking issues, complaints, and in some cases, threats of legal action. What’s funny is that many seller’s remorse stories are told by previous owners of Ford vehicles – usually Fiesta’s and Focus’ from 2008 to 2014. However, what most people don’t realize is that seller’s remorse is 100 percent avoidable. As such, here are three simple things you can do to avoid problems when selling a used Ford.
#1 – Be 100% Honest
Take a few minutes to review Yelp or other consumer review pages about buying used Ford’s and you’ll quickly realize that the biggest issues consumers have is being lied to. While most of these issues happen when buyers deal with dishonest car dealerships, the truth is that many private sellers tend to hide items that will reduce the value of their Ford. To avoid issues with consumers, be 100 percent honest with them about any issues your Ford is experiencing before you sell your Ford car, truck, or SUV.
#2 – Disclose any Recalls
Another item on the frustrate used car buyer’s lists is finding out their recently purchased car is due to have a recall item replaced. While most Ford dealerships are good about completing recall services, the service departments can make the process less-than-enjoyable for used car or non-original owners. By law, manufacturers need to notify Ford owners of a recall by US Mail. They receive this data from the DMV – which is why you’ll always get recall notices even if you’ve moved (assuming your address is up-to-date with the DMV).
To reduce the potential of a mad used Ford buyer that will haunt you forever, make sure to tell them about any recalls before selling the vehicle. This is especially critical if you own a Ford Focus or Fiesta that was sold in the early 2010’s. 2011-2016 Ford Fiesta or 2012-2016 Ford Focus models had a PowerShift transmission that was determined to be faulty. If you sell one to a consumer without disclosing service or replacement – you can set yourself up for a definite nightmare experience.
#3 – Provide Accurate Service Records
It’s also frustrating for a used Ford buyer to learn that the vehicle was sold to them just in time for major mechanical repairs or routine service. While most used car sellers are told to get rid of the vehicle before paying for major service (like timing belt replacement or water pumps), not disclosing this info to a used car buyer can set yourself up for a rash of hate calls, emails, or even possible legal action.
The fact is – anytime you are planning to sell a used Ford, honestly and transparency is your best friend. Ford’s can be quite dependable and reliable vehicles when properly serviced. However, if you want to avoid the potential of seller’s remorse.
Tags: Buying Guide, Used Cars