The Best Ways to Extend Battery Life on the Tesla Model 3

By Zlatan Stankovic on June 11, 2018

If you’re thinking of venturing into the world of EVs, or you already own one, you should probably be concerned about battery life. Of course, with modern cars you aren’t going to have to worry about your battery blowing up any time soon. But, some do naturally degrade at a faster rate.

So, to avoid having to prematurely fork out on a new battery for your beautiful car, it’s best you learn how to keep it at full capacity for as long as possible. Not only will this save you money, but it will also help the car perform to its maximum potential.

Now, Tesla actually has an awesome reputation when it comes to batteries. They tend to retain a high percentage of the original capacity even when there’s 100,000 miles on the clock. In fact, there’s even confirmed stories where a Tesla Model S has racked up 250,000 miles and only experienced a 6% reduction of battery capacity.

But, it’s still a great idea to take care of your battery to ensure it has the longest life possible. If you’re unaware of any proven strategies to do that, take a look at these…

1) Keep battery level between 10% and 90%

Of course, you never want to let your battery reach 0%. But, how what is the ideal range to keep it between? Well, it’s actually between 10% and 90%. You might think that’s strange to not fill up to 100%, but it’s all about keeping your battery performing optimally.

On the 10% side, you never want to drive around at 10%, especially if you’re heading somewhere. That’s because you might arrive at your destination at 10%, then when you return, be at 0% with no charging station in sight. So, always give yourself some cushion by remaining higher than 10%.

As for the 90% side, you can control that with your daily charge limit. Determine how long your trip is going to be and then schedule your charging so that it doesn’t exceed 90% for a lengthy period.

2) Keep charging speed moderate

Within the Tesla settings, you have full freedom when it comes to charging your battery. That means you can charge it at full power to regenerate the charge as fast as possible, or charge it at minimum power to keep dripping charge into the battery. You actually want to do neither of those.

You see, charging for a prolonged period of time on the least amount of power possible will put a lot of strain on the auxiliary charging equipment, such as the pumps and cooling system. On the opposite end of the spectrum, super-charging at full power is not ideal.

When you do that, you’ll put too much pressure on the battery and could even damage the capacity. That means you may not be able to charge with as much power in the future. So, you should only super-charge every so often when in a time of need. The best practice is to find a happy medium where the charge time is acceptable and the power is moderate.

3) Charge frequently in small batches

To some, it may make sense to drain the battery to around 10% and then put it on a long charge to restore it to around 90%. By a once-a-week charge like that, you’ll put the battery under a lot of stress and eventually start damaging the capacity.

A better method is to charge in small spurts where you’re only restoring around 10% to 20% a day. That’s much easier for the battery to handle, and you’ll find that it lasts a lot, lot longer by taking that approach.

So, there you have it, 3 outstanding methods to prolong the life of your battery in the Tesla Model 3. If you stick to these principles, you should find that the performance quality will remain and the battery degradation will be extremely slow. But, if you do have to end up replacing it, at least you know you’ve done all you can, eh? Source:

Tags: TeslaTesla Model STesla Model XElectric CarsTechnology