- Condition
Brand-New - Engine
5.3L 8 Cylinder - Drivetrain
Four Wheel Drive - Interior
1GCUDDED9RZ368842 - Mileage
3 - Transmission
Automatic - Exterior Color
00044202 - Warranty
Vehicle Details
Four Wheel Drive - Contact Arthur Cooper at 334-246-0834 or [email protected] for more information. - -
Additional Information
Find Used Cars in Auburn at Lynch Cadillac. To browse a great collection of used cars in the Columbus region, Lynch Cadillac is the best bet to find the used car you are looking for. We provide various used Cadillac Car, SUVs, and Trucks, along with other top makes. Take a moment to check out our current used selection or call us at 334-694-8842 with any questions regarding the vehicles we have available. We're constantly adding a fresh supply of used cars at our Auburn dealership, so make sure you ask us about any unique new arrivals. When you're ready to schedule a test drive, come and pay us a visit. We are an Auburn used car dealer that gladly serves Opelika, Montgomery, and more. We look forward to helping you find your perfect vehicle.
- Factory System